Standard Disclaimer of Rodrigo "Alley'Gator" Hunrichse


The documents of this homepage are Copyright © 1998,1999 (or before) by Rodrigo Javier "Alley'Gator" Hunrichse-Molina, and are (but not necessarily exclusive) responsability of Rodrigo Javier Hunrichse Molina, and do not represent (necesarily) the opinion of the Universidad de Concepción nor the Facultad de Ingeniería of the Universidad de Concepción .

Some brands and logos are Copyright © of their authors, and are used without permision but also without profit.

The pages of this homepage(s) are designed to be seen under any browser, though I recommend Netscape 2.0 or superior if eventually you want to see the images inline, or lynx 2.3 or superior for text-only navigation. In this last browser, I recommend using the option -image_links if you want to have one link for each inline image.

I do not allow embedding those documents under frames, unless the frame is made by me.

USENET and e-mail

When sending e-mail(s), or posting to USENET, I can make ortographic mistakes, because not always I have an spanish keyboard (or capable to generate non-ASCII characters) at my hand, so any of those mistakes mentioned before are advised in advance.

Also, as I am a second-language english speaker, (my mother language is español (spanish)), some things in english will not be orthographically correct, so please feel free to correct me by e-mail to if you find a typo, mispelling, miswriting, gramatically incorrect phrase or sentence, etc. I want to speak correct english, so that anybody reading correct english can understand me.

Last modification to this document: 19990409 Friday by Rodrigo "Alley'Gator" Hunrichse.
Comments and suggestions by e-mail to

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Copyright © 1997,1998,1999 (or before) by Rodrigo Hunrichse